Publication archives

Dr. Steve Suppan
The NAFTA talks are advancing rapidly with very little information available to the public on their content or the possible consequences for fair and sustainable food and farm systems. This is the third in a series of blogs examining the proposals being made by agribusiness firms that take the failed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a starting point.
Painted Mountain Corn
In episode 3 of Uprooted, the final episode in our series on NAFTA, Johan looks at how the beer industry has used NAFTA to move production and how it's import and export statistics are being manipulated to call it a win for Mexican agriculture. Johan interviews Michael McCollough, William Bostwick, and Tim Wise. Enjoy Border Brews:
Uprooted logo
Tara Ritter
The newly introduced Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act (OFF Act) is the most aggressive climate proposal to come out of the U.S. to date.
Wind turbines
Einführung Obwohl CETA am 21. September 2017 vorläufig in Kraft tritt, haben die Parlamente der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten immer noch das Recht und die Verantwortung, das Handelsabkommen der EU mit Kanada abzulehnen oder zu ratifizieren. Hierfür müssen sich die Parlamente der Mitgliedsstaaten einer Reihe kritischer Fragen zu CETA und dessen künftige
Das Freihandelsabkommen CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) zwischen der EU und Kanada tritt am 21. September 2017 vorläufig in Kraft. Dies bedeutet, dass große Teile von CETA bereits vor der Ratifizierung durch die Parlamente der EU-Mitgliedstaaten vorläufig Gültigkeit erlangen.
Shiney Varghese
Three years ago this week, IATP sent an open letter to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), praising the organization for convening an International Symp
"Climate Smart Agriculture" isn’t. Agroecology is.