The NAFTA talks are advancing rapidly with very little information available to the public on their content or the possible consequences for fair and sustainable food and farm systems. This is the first in a series of blogs examining the proposals being made by agribusiness firms that take the failed Trans Pacific Partnership as a starting point.
In the first episode of Uprooted, Johan is joined by Josh Wise, IATP's Director of Development and Communications and former Executive Director of the Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition to discuss the basics of trade.
When tens of thousands of Mexicans marched in mid-August to protest the opening of the NAFTA talks in Washington DC, they did so with a clearly articulated Declaration on a
This blog is part of a series exploring NAFTA and agriculture. The series is based on the larger paper: NAFTA Renegotiation: What’s at stake for farmers, food and the land?
This blog is part of a series exploring NAFTA and agriculture. The series is based on the larger paper: NAFTA Renegotiation: What’s at stake for farmers, food and the land?