Publication archives

Shefali Sharma
Today, most of the EU-Canadian free trade agreement known as CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) provisionally comes into force. It’s provisional because should even one of the 28 EU member states refuse to ratify it—the deal could collapse.
CETA sign
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The NAFTA talks are advancing rapidly with very little information available to the public on their content or the possible consequences for fair and sustainable food and farm systems. IATP is aiming to stay on top of the process, and our Senior Attorney, Sharon Treat, will be in Toronto this weekend for the third round of negotiations.
organic fruit
IATP produces mountains of research and analysis every year. It's hard to keep up with, even for us on staff! Fortunately, we had a great intern, Johan Cavert, over the summer who helped us relaunch our podcast, under the title Uprooted. Johan did a great job creating a compelling, but light-hearted narrative look at the very complex topic of international trade. 
Download the formatted paper here. 
Agroecological farmers
The EU-Canada trade deal CETA will provisionally enter into force on 21 September 2017. This means that large parts of CETA will be activated before ratification by the parliaments of EU member states. However, EU member states can still choose not to ratify it, in which case CETA will be rejected in its entirety.