
US Lawmaker Expects Push for Fast Track Trade Bill

By Doug Palmer WASHINGTON, Dec 19 (Reuters) - Republicans will make an early push to win new "fast track" trade negotiating authority for President-elect George W. Bush, despite suggestions from two top trade negotiators that it may no longer be necessary, a key U.S. lawmaker said on Tuesday.

Latin America Is Priority on Bush Trade Agenda

By ANTHONY DePALMA, New York Times He may not be comfortable discussing unrest in East Timor, or pronouncing the name of the leaders of Turkmenistan, but President-elect George W. Bush considers the rest of the Western Hemisphere "our backyard" and will have several opportunities in his first year in office to make Latin America a trade and foreign policy priority.

Clinton, Chirac Discuss Trade

Associated Press | By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Thorny trade disputes over beef and bananas remain unresolved following Monday's talks involving President Clinton, French President Jacques Chirac, and a team of senior European Union officials.

UN to Set Up Data Centre on Biosafety

Agence France Presse MONTPELLIER, France, Dec 15 (AFP) - A UN conference on biosafety ended here Friday with a preliminary agreement to set up a data centre to pool knowledge and information about genetically modified organisms.