
Clinton Sees Globalization As Key Issue

By Brian Williams LONDON (Reuters) - President Clinton ended a visit to Britain and Ireland on Thursday with a speech that singled out globalization as the key foreign policy issue that could be faced by his successor George W. Bush.

Mercosur Summit Eyes Bush as Partner

Associated Press / By TONY SMITH, AP Business Writer FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil (AP) - They agreed on tarifs and an auto deal, but what the leaders of the Mercosur trade bloc really wanted to know as they opened their 19th summit Thursday was what sort of trade policy U.S. President-elect George W. Bush had in mind for the region.

Environmental Trade Guidelines Set

By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration, maintaining that free trade and environmental protection can go hand in hand, put into place new rules Wednesday that subject future trade deals to environmental reviews.

U.S. Pursues Trade Case vs. Mexico

New York Times / By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States formally asked the World Trade Organization on Tuesday to appoint a hearing panel to rule on its claims that Mexico is unfairly keeping U.S. companies from competing in Mexico's $12 billion telecommunications market.