
A Year Later, Seattle Still Feeling Effects from WTO Protests

By LUIS CABRERA / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS / from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer SEATTLE -- This will not be another Seattle. Mayors from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. to Los Angeles have made that vow as they braced for the same virulent outpourings of protest that thrust Seattle onto the world stage in a cloud of tear gas during last year's World Trade Organization meeting.

Trade: The Farm Subsidy Controversy

By William Dhlamini JOHANNESBURG Nov 24 (IPS) - In a new round of World Trade Organisation (WTO) global trade talks, the European Union is likely to agree on a phase-out of its farm subsidies only if it wins concessions in other areas, says UK trade minister Richard Caborn. The UK trade minister is in SA to attend the third UK-SA partnership week.

Report Explores Global Spread of Child labor

New Delhi, November 20 - A report released today by the Global March Against Child Labour shows the shocking exploitation of children in almost every part of the world. From rich country to poor, there seems to be no escape for children suffering in the worst forms of child labour.