
Davos Forum Organisers Denounce "Trouble-Makers"

Reuters / By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The World Economic Forum on Tuesday revealed the line-up for its annual meeting of political and business leaders in Davos, and denounced "professional trouble-makers" expected to demonstrate against globalisation.

Glickman Sees New Farm Bailout without Quick Changes to Law

Inside US Trade / Vol. 19, No. 2 Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman last week predicted that unless the 107th Congress acts swiftly to overhaul legislation to provide support for U.S. farmers, it will need to provide relief through emergency supplemental appropriations. Trading partners have sharply criticized the U.S. for providing supplemental payments to its farmers.

EU Says South Korea Not a Developing Country

GENEVA, Jan 10 (Reuters) - The European Union said on Wednesday that South Korea had no right to claim treatment as a developing country in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The complaint was voiced by an EU envoy during discussion in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on a recent ruling against Seoul over rules it sets on how beef is sold in the country's shops.

Japan, U.S. Fail to Agree on Auto Row

TOKYO (Reuters) - Top trade officials of Japan and the United States failed in talks on Wednesday to reach agreement on a dispute over extending an auto accord that expired at the end of last year, officials said.

Farm Group Wants Agriculture Subsidy Doubled

By Charles Abbott ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - Congress should plan on spending $18 billion a year on farm supports -- double the amount now allotted -- to shore up a sector sapped by brutally low grain prices, the head of the largest U.S. farm group said on Sunday.