
Bush Said Could End Trade Stalemate

By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer GENEVA (AP) - President-elect Bush's trade policies are similar to the outgoing administration's, but there is one big difference: President Clinton has sought labor and environmental standards in global trade treaties, a demand Bush does not support.

EU-US Trade Dispute Looms

BBC News A new row has broken out between the United States and some of its major trading partners. The BBC's Mark Gregory reports. The dispute has been prompted by a change to US law, known as the Byrd amendment, which was approved by president Clinton just before Christmas.

China, U.S. Trade May Hit New High

BEIJING (AP) - Trade between China and the United States should reach a record $73.5 billion this year, with China racking up yet another enormous trade surplus, the government's Xinhua News Agency said Sunday.

U.S. Antidumping Law Attacked

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union, Japan and seven other big countries joined forces Friday to attack a U.S. measure that gives duties collected in antidumping cases to U.S. companies in the affected industries.

Banana Rules May End Sanctions

Seattle Post-Intelligencer | BLOOMBERG NEWS BRUSSELS, Belgium -- The European Union said yesterday that it will file a complaint at the World Trade Organization if the United States doesn't lift $113 million in trade sanctions once the 15-nation bloc has overhauled its banana-import regulations.

Clinton and Europeans Fail to Resolve Trade Issues

New York Times / By JOSEPH KAHN WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 - President Clinton held his 15th and final summit meeting with European leaders today, but the two sides failed to make notable progress in resolving several trade disputes that Mr. Clinton had sought to settle before leaving office.

Sweden Wants Better EU-U.S. Trade Ties Under Bush

STOCKHOLM, Dec 19 (Reuters) - Trade relations between the European Union and the United States have worsened steadily and must improve for the benefit of world trade, Sweden's Trade Minister Leif Pagrotsky said on Tuesday. Sweden will hold the EU presidency in the first half of 2001.