Group Comments Submitted to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA)

The following three documents were submitted to SBSTA by a coalition of groups providing comments on Decision 1/CP.18. #1 - Non-market-based approaches: Decision 1/CP. 18, paragraph 48: Views from Parties and admitted observer organizations on the matters referred to in paragraph 47 of document FCCC/CP/2012/L.14/Rev.1.

Citizen petition to prohibit or enjoin the use of antibiotics in the production of distillers grains sold as animal feed for food-producing animals

In a boiled-down description, ethanol production is relatively simple.  An ethanol producer grinds up a starch-like feedstock such as corn, adds warm water to make a mash, adds yeast, and then waits as the yeast ferments the starch into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The liquid ethanol and carbon dioxide are removed from the fermentation tank and processed as fuel.  A byproduct of e