
As American As Apple Pie; Going Down The Road; Ethical Consumerism

The Nation | By Jim Hightower | September 30, 2002 The Powers That Be constantly try to keep the progressive majority divided: workers against environmentalists, enviros against farmers, farmers against consumers, consumers against workers, and around and around it goes. As we squawk and squabble with each other, they scoot off with ever more of our money and power, laughing all the way.

Drought, Developers"" Bids Have Farmers Rethinking Future

Washington Post | By Paul Glader | September 11, 2002 Dick and Phyllis King don't want to retire from ranching, but their small cattle herd in Nokesville is diminishing, and their agrarian way of life is being pushed out of Northern Virginia.

California""s Native Grasses Can Be Restored

SANTA BARBARA, California, September 10, 2002 (ENS) - Native grasslands in California may be able to be restored without first eradicating invasive plants from Europe, show preliminary results from a new study.

INTERVIEW - Insurer calls for tough rules on pollution

UK: September 6, 2002 LONDON - A senior insurance figure said the industry had been frozen out of the Earth Summit in Johannesburg and called for tougher measures against climate changes which risk costing insurers billions of dollars.

Report: Small Farms Face Fight To Survive

The Associated Press State & Local Wire | By JACK SULLIVAN | August 14, 2002 Many producers on small North Dakota farms may have to quit the business without "substantial" off-farm income over the next decade, North Dakota State University economists say.