
Eat GM or starve, America tells Africa

Food stocks are running out across Southern Africa: by March 2003 the numbers of people facing starvation will be: 6 million in Zimbabwe/3.2 m. in Malawi/2.4 m. in Zambia/over .5 m. in Mozambique

Seed banks to the rescue

At a time when the entire forcus is on private control and takeover of traditional resources and the crop seeds, traditionally marginalised dalit women in Andhra Pradesh, India, have set up community grain and seed banks to gain control over their land as well as their lives.

Drought Makes Farmers Sell Cattle

Associated Press | July 23, 2002 FORT PIERRE, S.D. - Leaning against a wall at the Fort Pierre Livestock Auction, third-generation rancher Bernie Lauing watches as pen after pen of young calves are steered into the auction ring and sold - two or three months ahead of time.

Australian farmers look to dry skies as crops die

ARMATREE, Australia - While Australians near the coast delight in a winter that is warmer than average, those in the outback reeling from drought fervently hope for rain as dams dry up and crops lie barren under a relentless sun.

1970-85 Famine Blamed on Pollution

Nearly two decades after one of the world's most devastating famines in Africa, scientists are pointing a finger at pollution from industrial nations as one of the possible causes.

African crisis fuels debate over GM food

The rejection of food aid by some southern African countries when millions of people are at risk of starvation has fuelled debate over the role of biotechnology in alleviating hunger. In spite of chronic food shortages in the region -- which NGOs say were aggravated, if not caused, by government mismanagement -- Zimbabwe turned down an offer of cheap corn from the United States.

UN seeking $61m for African crises

UNITED NATIONS - Widespread food shortages and rampant AIDS have put nearly 13 million southern Africans ''on the very edge of survival,'' the United Nations said yesterday in an urgent appeal for $611 million in aid. ''There is still an opportunity to avert famine and to save lives, but this window is closing rapidly,'' UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Kenzo Oshima said.

Alberta Announces Drought Relief Package: $324 Million for Farmers

Edmonton Journal | By Jim Farrell | July 18, 2002 Admitting it's not enough, but stressing that money can't replace rain, Alberta's agriculture minister gave $324 million in emergency drought relief to the province's farmers and cattle producers Wednesday. "I can't make it rain," Shirley McClellan said during a press conference in Wainwright.