
Bt cotton -- bitter harvest

The Bt cotton bubble is beginning to burst. Reports reaching from Khargone distrct in Madhya Pradesh, in the heart of the cotton-growing belt in India, indicate 100 per cent crop failure. Farmers are naturally demanding compensation from the company. In the northern regions of the country, Bt cotton has been afflicted with the 'leaf curl virus'.

WHO urges countries to accept modified food

The World Health Organisation has summoned African governments to a crisis meeting in Zimbabwe to try to allay fears over genetically modified food as emergency relief. The meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe's capital, is an attempt by the international agency to overcome the refusal of several famine-hit countries to accept GM food as humanitarian aid.

Financial Times editorial: "Monsanto enters a time of transition"

The chief technology officer of Monsanto, the leading agricultural biotechnology group, has a framed cartoon in his office. Under the caption: "We're giving genetically engineered food two thumbs up," it depicts a fat professor, hair awry, displaying two prominent thumbs on his left hand.

The drought in the US

Again and again with each passing day we see actions from the Oval Office, Congress, and the nation's corporate boardrooms that one might justifiably think would evoke widespread citizen outrage to a degree not seen in this country in decades.

Is U.S Farm Policy All Wrong? A Chorus of Critics Thinks So

CHICAGO -- A growing number of economists think Washington's agricultural policy, slated to cost taxpayers a near-record $20 billion annually starting this fall, is dumb. They contend the policy will fuel crop gluts while rewarding a fairly well-off bunch: Farmers. On the issue of subsidies in general, Neil Harl and Luther Tweeten represent opposing schools of thought. Prof.

Drought Prompts USDA to Slash Crop Estimates

Drought Prompts USDA to Slash Crop Estimates; Agriculture: The turnaround is the most dramatic for corn and soybeans; bumper crops had been expected. Futures prices jump. By CHARLES ABBOTT, REUTERS Brutal drought in the American Grain Belt, part of a downturn in crops worldwide, will bring the smallest U.S.

Towards World Water Justice: Some Practical Steps Towards Equitable and Sustainable Water

Large sections of the civil society are opposed to the current paradigm propagated by the international water establishment. This paradigm, through its promotion of multinational led privatization and supply-oriented water management strategies in general, will further worsen the condition of water-poor peoples and of the ecosystem.

A Fact Sheet on Water Sector Privatization

Up until the 1990s, water and sewerage services in most countries were a state/ public responsibility. It was only in the 1990s that multi national led water privatization increased along with infrastructure privatization in general in the developing world.