
Mad Cow Quarantine Expands

C B C . C A N e w s | May 24, 2003 OTTAWA-- Three more farms in Alberta were quarantined Saturday as investigators widened their search for the cause of one case of mad cow disease in the province. Sixteen farms are now under quarantine including 11 in Alberta, two in Saskatchewan and three in B.C.

Mad Cow Madness

THE FINAL WORD | By Alan Guebert | May 23, 2003 1.) Mad cow madness What many claimed could never happen in North America happened Tuesday when Canadian Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief confirmed mad cow disease had been discovered in an eight-year-old cow from a farm in northwestern Alberta.

Hain Unit Supplies McVeggie Burgers

New York Newsday | By Alan J. Wax, Randi F. Marshall | May 15, 2003 Veggie burgers produced by a subsidiary of a Long Island company are being sold in hundreds of McDonald's restaurants in Southern California.

Powdered Milk To Go To Drought-Stricken Farms In New Relief Effort

The Associated Press | By EMILY GERSEMA | April 9, 2003 Mounds of milk that filled warehouses and manmade storage caves are headed for feed troughs in drought-stricken areas. The government soon will ship 218 million pounds of nonfat dry milk to parched Western states to feed cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats, says Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman.

Low Prices Discourage Farmers From Matching Last Year""s Acreage

The Associated Press | April 9, 2003 A drop of nearly 10 percent in Arkansas acreage planted in rice is one expected result of last year's low prices, though that could change if prices rise significantly. As of last week, only 2 percent of the state's rice acreage had been planted, according to Chuck Wilson, of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.