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The Hindu / By Our Special Correspondent

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, DEC. 27. The Nobel laureate, Prof. Amartya Sen, has called for indigenous initiatives to resist globalisation.

Speaking at a reception organised by the Chief Minister, Mr. E. K. Nayanar, at the Durbar Hall here this morning, Prof. Sen said it was no use blaming globalisation for all ills of the nation. Blind opposition to globalisation was also no answer for its ill-effects.

The best way to fight globalisation was to chalk out and implement programmes which would enhance the welfare of the people. China had already shown how this could be done, he said.

Prof. Sen noted Kerala's achievements in the fields of education and health care and called for new initiatives to improve the quality of service rendered by the social infrastructure.

Earlier, Mr. Nayanar said though Kerala had achieved much headway in poverty eradication, the State was faced with serious challenges on account of GATT and other trade agreements signed through the WTO. He hoped that the State would be able to make further headway in social progress on account of its having devolved more powers and functions to the local self-government institutions.

The Food, Law and Tourism Minister, Mr. E. Chandrasekharan Nair, the Local Administration Minister, Mr. Paloli Mohammedkutty, the SC/ST Development Minister, Mr. K. Radhakrishnan, the Chief Secretary, Mr. M. Mohan Kumar, the Vice-Chancellor of Kerala University, Dr. B. Ekbal, Government secretaries and members of the State Planning Board attended the function.

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