
""Green"" Programs Seen for 2000 Farm Bill

The State Journal-Register Springfield, IL / February 06, 2001 Talk is well under way about what should be in the 2002 Farm Bill. Much of the talk centers on programs to promote conservation of soil and farmland, and activists in the farm community are starting to talk about whether soil conservation isn't just as important to consumers as it is to farmers.

Anti-Globalists Turn to Hacking

Associated Press / By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer GENEVA (AP) - The technicians at the World Trade Organization got a bit suspicious when "journalists" in an online press conference went by screen names like "NO-TO-WTO."

New Report from Global Trade Watch On NAFTA Truck Cases

Friends, May I interest you in a JUICY NEW REPORT "THE COMING NAFTA CRASH" on the controversial NAFTA truck case - which coincidentially just came out today from the tribunal! This case is the classic example of how corporate managed "trade" agreements are undermining basic public health, safety and environmental safeguards - and feuling a global backlash.

Ruling Due on NAFTA Dispute

Associated Press / By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - A long-running trade dispute between the United States and Mexico over the safety of Mexican trucks may be nearing an end.