
The European Union View on Agriculture

United Press International | By ANNA K. HUTCHINSON, Special to UPI Franz Fishler, Austrian-born EU agriculture commissioner, is on a five-day visit to the United States to further negotiations between the EU and United States on agriculture as part of the current round of talks in respect of a further World Trade Organization (WTO) trade liberalization round.

Consumer Demand Boosts Trade Deficit

Reuters | By Doug Palmer WASHINGTON - The U.S. trade deficit registered its largest month-to-month gain in at least nine years in March, powered by record demand for imported consumer goods, the U.S. Commerce Department said on Friday.

Fischler: U.S. Food Aid is Dumping Commodities

Ed Maixner, Farm Progress Washington Bureau The United States has been leading the world in food aid to the world's hungry nations but Franz Fischler, the European Union's agriculture commissioner, says the U.S. also dumps farm commodities "under the pretext of food aid."

EU to Target U.S. Farm Loans in WTO Agriculture Talks

Inside US Trade | Vol. 19, No. 20 The European Commission plans to propose next week that the World Trade Organization impose the same reduction commitments on U.S. farm supports like the $8.1 billion U.S. marketing loan and deficiency payment program that trading partners' agriculture negotiators want to place on the European Union's export subsidies, informed sources said.

The Green Revolution Yields To The Bottom Line

By ANDREW POLLACK New York Times May 15, 2001 Dr. William Folk, a professor at the University of Missouri, wants to genetically engineer soybeans to improve their nutritional value. But he faces more than scientific hurdles. He and Monsanto never agreed on how he might use a patented technique for inserting genes into the beans.