
World Trade ""In Jeopardy""

BBC News The director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has called for urgent changes to existing multilateral trade agreements. During a speech in Geneva, Mike Moore said: "Don't assume that the world trading will look after itself. Don't fight yesterday's battles and neglect tomorrow's opportunities."

Global Capitalism: Multilateral System in Crisis

BusinessWorld | by Walden Bello The increasingly brazen employment of the global multilateral system to serve the interests of the United States was one of the causes of the crisis that gripped the system at the end of decade.

APEC to Discuss ""Charter"" for More Liberalization Efforts

Japan Times SHENZHEN, China (Kyodo) The United States has proposed that the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum adopt the so-called Shanghai Charter at its October summit, to enhance the region's commitment to freeing up trade and investment, APEC sources said Sunday.

Making It Worse On The Water/Trade Front

By Wendy R. Holm COUNTRY LIFE IN BC In 1999, the House of Commons voted close to unanimously in favour of a federal ban on water exports. In response, the Canadian government has taken three actions: a) participation with the US in a joint reference before the IJC, the result of which was a report recommending further action;