
Stepping Up for Farmers

The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA) / April 19, 2001 State lawmakers are pushing bills that could help bail out the struggling farm community BY: Richard Roesler, Staff writer In the face of sagging crop prices and a looming drought, the state's embattled farmers, dairies and poultry growers scored a few victories in the statehouse this week.

Protesters, Politicians Arrive for Americas Summit

CNN Canada opens doors for discussion of free trade QUEBEC CITY, Canada (CNN) -- Heavy security mingled with the 17th-century charm of Quebec City on Friday as thousands of protesters and 34 Western Hemisphere leaders converged in Canada for a major trade summit.


The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social Programs, Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice in Canada and the Americas by Maude Barlow http://www.canadians.org/campaigns/campaigns-tradepub-ftaa2.html:

U.S.-Canada Fight Prevents Agriculture Export Credit Deal

Inside US Trade / Vol. 19, No. 16 Industrialized countries failed last week to reach agreement on new disciplines for agriculture export credits because the U.S. and Canada could not settle their differences on the maximum term for loan repayments and on whether the agreement should cover state-trading enterprises, such as the Canadian Wheat Board.