
Cyber War Declared on World Bank

Guardian (UK) | by John Vidal and Charlotte Denny Protesters threatened last night to use "cyber sit-ins" to derail a high-profile development conference organized by the World Bank, after the Washington-based body announced it would hold the conference online to avoid demonstrations.

Bush Argues for Food Exports

New York Times | By the ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gearing up for a fight with Congress, President Bush argued Monday that the United States will trail the rest of the world in food exports unless he gets enhanced trade negotiating authority. "I want America to feed the world," he said.

Looming Battle over ""Fast Track""

Union-Tribune (San Diego) House Republican leaders this week fired the opening salvo in what is likely to be a contentious battle over free trade. Rep. Phil Crane, R-Ill., chairman of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on trade, introduced a measure that would restore the president's "fast track" authority to negotiate international trade agreements.