
Ag, Business Groups Gear Up to Fight for China Annual MFN Renewal

Inside US Trade | Vol. 19, No. 22 U.S. business and agriculture groups are preparing to begin their campaign for renewing most favored nation status for China by portraying the upcoming vote as a routine one aimed at maintaining the status quo and necessary to allow the completion of negotiations to have China and Taiwan enter the World Trade Organization.

Projections For Grain Exports Shape Policy

Associated Press May 30, 2001 Overly optimistic projections of grain exports are being used as a basis to shape policy for federal farm programs and the Mississippi River, according to a study by a University of Iowa professor.

Globalisation Benefited Only Transnationals

The Hindu | By Amit Baruah JAKARTA, MAY 28. India today said that transnational corporations, rather than countries, had reaped the benefits of the globalisation process. Addressing the 22nd meeting of G-15 Foreign Ministers, the Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. U. Krishnam Raju, said the income gap between the rich and poor nations had only widened.

Fight Brewing over Trade Law

ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- A trade battle is shaping up over a law that lets American companies pocket tens of millions of dollars in fines that the government collects from foreign competitors.

USTR Official Sees Changes to WTO Dispute Settlement

Inside US Trade | May 25, 2001 A senior U.S. trade official signaled on May 21 that the U.S. would seek changes to the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement system in a new round of global trade talks, and hinted that one possible approach to improving the system would be to establish an alternative framework for multilateral dispute settlement outside of the WTO.