
U.S. Seeks a New Round of World Trade Talks

Wall Street Journal | By HELENE COOPER, Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration, searching for a bright spot ahead of what is expected to be a contentious summit of big industrialized countries in Genoa, Italy, this weekend, said it will work with the European Union to launch a new round of global trade talks in Qatar in November.

U.S., EU Near Accord on Trade Talks

Washington Post | By Paul Blustein, Washington Post Staff Writer The top trade negotiators for the United States and the European Union said yesterday that they have "converged" toward an understanding on the agenda for a new round of global trade talks, removing some significant obstacles to an expansion of freer trade.

G-8 Precautions Put Genoa on Edge; Protests Expected at Economic Talks

By Jeff Israely | Boston Globe ROME - Security forces in Genoa scrambled yesterday to put the last measures in place for this week's G-8 summit meeting even as a letter bomb exploded at one of the city's police stations, injuring an officer and raising tensions before what promises to be the largest antiglobalization protest to date.