
Biotechnology will bypass the hungry

Devinder Sharma made this presentation at the "Transgenic Plants and Food Security: Approaches to a Sustainable World Food System Ten Years After The Rio Summit" conference in Berlin on July 28-29. The conference is being organised by the Protestant Academy of Research along with several civil society groups.

13,000,000 Africans risk starving between now and November,

THIRTEEN MILLION Africans risk starving between now and November, thanks more to local leadership failures than to drought. Naked greed and political calculation, when coupled with spotty rains and poor maize harvests across a broad swath of southern Africa, have resulted in disaster. Wealthier nations will now have to provide relief supplies, if only needy African governments let them.

Ariz wildfire rages - Bush declares disaster

SHOW LOW, Ariz. - Firefighters battling one of the fiercest wildfires to scorch the U.S. West worked to shore up a key fire line protecting this small Arizona town yesterday, rolling out bulldozers and clearing away underbrush in a desperate effort to keep the flames at bay.

Firefighters make first progress against Arizona blaze

SHOW LOW, Ariz. - Firefighters battling a huge wildfire raging just outside this Arizona town said they were getting a handle on the blaze and hoped to prevent a "wall of flames" from roaring across the small mountain community.

United States, Mexico near accord in water dispute

PHOENIX - The United States and Mexico are close to an agreement that would end a simmering dispute over repaying Mexico's water debt to the United States, a controversial issue that threatened to drive a wedge between the two countries, a U.S. diplomat said on the weekend.

NAFTA group to study transgenic corn in Mexico

MEXICO CITY - A NAFTA environmental commission said yesterday it would investigate reports of transgenic corn growing in southern Mexico, responding to concerns that imported corns have contaminated native crops.