
Genetic threats blowing in the wind

GENETIC THREATS BLOWING IN THE WIND: SCIENTISTS WARN MODIFIED CROPS ARE 'ESCAPING AND GOING ROGUES' This is what the environmentalists had feared all along. Then the phenomenon of gene escape was confirmed by studies. Initially the biotech industry stonewalled and attributed motives to anyone who conducted such a study.

Congress Looks At More Aid For Farmers Hit By Drought

The Wichita Eagle | By Alan Bjerga | June 17, 2002 WASHINGTON _ Disaster aid, a staple of farm budgets over the past five years, could be a much tougher political sell this year despite crop-destroying droughts across the Great Plains.

Italy""s Water Crisis To Hit Mainland

The Independent (London) | Jessie Grimond | June 12, 2002 A WATER crisis that has threatened this year's harvest in Sicily could spread to mainland Italy, where the amount of water currently available to farmers may be halved by 2005.

Women Demand the Right to be Free from Hunger

Women Demand the Right to be Free from Hunger We want our voices heard, the right to govern our livelihoods, access to resources to satisfy our basic food needs, an end to exploitative neo-liberal trade policies and patricarchal subjugation, state women at the NGO Forum

Auburn U. faculty anticipate effects of farm security bill

It has been almost a month since President Bush signed the "Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002." Auburn's Agricultural Economics Department Head, John Adrian, expressed anticipation concerning the $ 110 million implementation activity.

GM firms the only winners at food talks summit

A world food summit ended in recrimination yesterday when it was branded a waste of time for everyone except the United States, which successfully sold genetically modified crops as a solution to famine.