
IATP has long been a leader in making sure global agreements protect the rights of farmers around the world. We are active at the United Nations and World Trade Organization and through various bilateral and multilateral agreements to ensure that the rights of farmers to receive a fair price, engage in conservation and sustainable practices, and even just to stay on their land are upheld and respected. We also monitor trade agreements to make sure food safety, environmental safeguards and the rights of farm workers are protected. Visit our Trade & Governance page to learn more. 

CETA: European Food and Agriculture Standards Under Threat

The EU-Canada trade deal CETA will provisionally enter into force on 21 September 2017. This means that large parts of CETA will be activated before ratification by the parliaments of EU member states. However, EU member states can still choose not to ratify it, in which case CETA will be rejected in its entirety.

Uprooted Episode 1: Trade Basics

In the first episode of Uprooted, Johan is joined by Josh Wise, IATP's Director of Development and Communications and former Executive Director of the Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition to discuss the basics of trade.