Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
Five years ago today, the Supreme Court dealt a devastating setback to those working to reform our food and farm system. That ruling, known as Citizens United, granted corporations the same rights as people to make political donations.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
We are hearing more and more news from Europe that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is running into stiff head winds, and I had the pleasure of seeing this growing storm of opposition first-hand in Berlin last week.
Best Practices for using regionally grown grains and legumes in school meals
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
What does it mean to participate in a democracy? Does the answer change when it comes to the food system?
Kate Hoff
IATP is proud to announce that our for-profit subsidiary, Peace Coffee, was among the first Minnesota businesses to file as a public benefit corporation (PBC). This is the state’s newest form of business incorporation for for-profit and socially minded businesses.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Dr. Steve Suppan
We were pleasantly surprised yesterday to learn that the European Commission has taken major steps towards respecting the rights of citizens to see what is being negotiated in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Dale Wiehoff
News in the first week of 2015 of a new antibiotic extracted from the soil that can fight infectious disease and one that pathogens are unlikely to grow resistant to, is very good news for us all. But 2014 told a different story.