Congress Includes Awful 2008 Farm Bill Extension in Fiscal Cliff Deal

  On New Year’s Eve, the Senate passed a simple extension of the 2008 Farm Bill through September 30, 2013, as part of a much bigger legislative package to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. The House approved the Senate bill late on New Year’s Day and President Obama signed it into law on January 2.

Webinar: The A to Z on Atrazine: Sex hormones and America’s most popular pesticide

January 15th, 2013

Despite being banned in Europe due to health risks, atrazine, a hormone-disrupting herbicide, is one of the world's most largely used pesticides—hundreds of millions of pounds per year. It can be found in our lakes, streams, rain, and drinking water, at levels that make a difference to human health. Scientists link exposure to increased risk of birth defects, infertility and cancer, among other health impacts. It turns tadpoles into hermaphrodites. Indiana neonatologist Dr. Paul Winchester will discuss the science on atrazine exposure and birth defects in particular. Biologis

Moving Forward on Food Justice: Chicago Regional Gathering on Draft Food Justice Principles

January 18th, 2013

RSVP now! Hundreds of food justice advocates from around the nation gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the Food + Justice = Democracy conference in September. One of the primary features of the conference was the use of a People’s Movement Assembly (PMA) process to craft principles around food justice, inspired by the 1991 principles of Environmental Justice. In 2013, IATP, the conference steering committee, and members of the PMA facilitation team will bring the draft food justice principles around the nation for collective review and refinement.