World Trade Organization

Trade Imbalances

The Observer | By Joseph Stiglitz | August 28, 2003 Trade imbalances: The Cancun round of WTO talks is a chance for developing countries to get a fairer deal. But don't count on that happening, writes Joseph Stiglitz

WTO: The rich get more

Globe and Mail | August 27, 2003 For all the hullabaloo about globalized trade, you'd think its promoters would be trying harder to make it look good.In itself, it shouldn't be such a hard sell. There's no reason in principle why greater access to markets, investment and technology shouldn't be beneficial to the human race.

Trade Diplomat Nearly Axed Over Position On USA

New Vision (Kampala) | By John Kakande And Henry Mukasa | August 27, 2003 Kampala -- A Senior Ugandan diplomat in Geneva, ambassador Nathan Irumba, nearly lost his job at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks for taking a position inimical to the United States of America, Parliament learnt yesterday.

Trade Text Biased, Says Brussels

EUobserver | By Andrew Beatty | August 26, 2003 BRUSSELS - The European Union today (26 August) hit out at a draft World Trade Organisation agreement labelling it as biased. The text will form the basis for a key ministerial meeting next month in Cancun, Mexico.