World Trade Organization

EU and US demands Threaten Trade Round

The Guardian (London) | By Larry Elliott | August 26, 2003 Eleventh hour attempts were under way in Geneva last night to secure a deal on global trade liberalisation amid fresh criticism of the EU and the US for demanding deep cuts in industrial tariffs for poor countries while offering minor cuts themselves.

Developing Nations Attack Trade Proposal

The Washington Post | By Steven Gray | August 26, 2003 Developing countries yesterday expressed dissatisfaction with the latest proposed outline for a trade agreement to be considered at the upcoming meeting of World Trade Organization ministers in Mexico, saying the document failed to fully reaffirm the group's commitment to eliminating farm subsidies.

Tariffs, Subsidies, Trade and All That

Public Agenda (Ghana) | August 17, 2003 In this era of globalisation one of the certainties of visiting a developed country like Ghana, is the perceptible western lifestyle one sees on the streets, hotels and even homes. This is made possible by the intrusion of powerful transnational multi-media that bombard homes with the `so-called western virtues.'

Justified Cynicism About Cancun

Africa Analysis | August 22, 2003 THE cynicism and anger, about the US and European Union, expressed by a number of African trade ministers in Mauritius in June (Africa Analysis , no.425), appears to have been justified. At the time, the ministers condemned what they saw as the hypocrisy of the EU and US, in particular, regarding free trade.