World Trade Organization

Protesters Disagree on Shutting Down WTO

Seattle Post-Intelligencer | By Traci Carl | Sept. 7, 2003 CANCUN, Mexico -- As World Trade Organization ministers from around the world check into high-rise beach hotels this week, protesters meet in ramshackle offices and tent communities, fighting over how they will wage war against free trade.

A Declaration For A New Direction For American Agriculture And Agricultural Trade

IATP | September 4, 2003 We stand together at the dawn of the 21st century. We stand together as farmers, workers, religious and development organizations, environmentalists and concerned citizens calling for a comprehensive re-examination of the impact of global trade policy on food security, farmers' livelihoods, and local, sustainable food production.

WTO May Fail Poorer Nations September 3, 2003 Kuala Lumpur - Expressing pessimism about the next round of global trade talks, South African President Thabo Mbeki suggested on Wednesday that poorer nations link up with anti-globalisation protest groups to win a better deal on international trade.