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New Vision (Kampala) | By John Kakande And Henry Mukasa | August 27, 2003

Kampala -- A Senior Ugandan diplomat in Geneva, ambassador Nathan Irumba, nearly lost his job at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks for taking a position inimical to the United States of America, Parliament learnt yesterday.

"Uganda has one of the best negotiators on the African continent like ambassador Irumba, in Geneva. He almost lost his job for taking a position inimical to the USA at the WTO," Aggrey Awori (Samia Bugwe .....) said while contributing to a debate in the House on the report of the committee on tourism, trade and industry. Uganda and USA have become close allies over the past few years. Uganda is one of few African countries which have hosted two American Presidents and has signed the Non-Surrender Agreement undertaking not to hand over American citizens to the International Criminal Court for trial. Uganda was also among a handful of African countries which joined the US-led coalition in the Iraq war.

In its report presented by chairperson Mugambe Kif'omusana (Nakifuma), the committee argued that Uganda was getting a raw deal in many agreements because it lacked good negotiators. This was echoed by others.New Vision (Kampala):