World Trade Organization

WTO Talks Running Out Of Time | September 14, 2003 Rich and poor nations are divided over farm subsidies. Ross Denton of law firm Baker and Mackenzie gives his analysis. CANCUN, Mexico (Reuters) -- Deeply divided and running out of time, world trade ministers made a final push on Sunday to bring rich and poor countries together and rescue troubled talks on freeing up global markets.

USTR on Collapse of Trade Talks In Cancun

USTR Press Release | September 14, 2003 Statement of U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick "Whether developed or developing, there were 'can do' and 'won't do' countries here. The rhetoric of the 'won't do' overwhelmed the concerted efforts of the 'can do'. 'Won't do' led to impasse.

Cancun Trade Talks Collapse Over Rich-Poor Rift

Reuters | By Patrick Lannin and Richard Waddington | September 14, 2003 CANCUN, Mexico (Reuters) - Trade talks in Mexico critical to the health of the world economy collapsed on Sunday after rich and poor states failed to bridge deep divisions over agriculture and investment rules, delegates said.

Nasty Nine Dig In On Farm Trade Reform

Australian Financial Review | By Mark Davis | Sept. 13, 2003 Nine countries form a wall against Australia's desire for freer world farm trade, writes Mark Davis in Cancun. Liechtenstein has only 150 farmers left most of them herding cattle in the Alps. But the tiny principality between Austria and Switzerland is determined that those farmers stay in business.

WTO Makes Progress on Agricultural Reform

Associated Press | Sept. 13, 2003 CANCUN, Mexico (AP) -- World Trade Organization members have made progress on the thorny issue of agricultural reform and are preparing a proposal aimed at closing the differences between rich and poor nations, officials said Saturday.

Brazil Sees WTO Agricultural Accord

Reuters | Sept. 13, 2003 BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil said on Saturday it expected world trade talks to produce a modest, general accord on agriculture that set the agenda for further talks but did not target the subsidy cuts developing nations are after.

Trade Summit Faces Crucial Day

BBC News | Sept. 13, 2003 Negotiations at the world trade talks in the Mexican city of Cancun have entered a critical phase with the sides deadlocked over the issue of farm subsidies. A new draft of the final declaration is being handed to delegations in an effort to reconcile the United States and Europe on the one side and developing nations on the other.