World Trade Organization

WTO Talks Fail As Poor Nations Balk

Chicago Tribune | By Andrew Martin and Hugh Dellios | September 15, 2003 After four days in which developing nations made unprecedented demands to be heard, world trade talks imploded Sunday amid allegations that wealthy nations were trying to force their agendas for agriculture and investment upon the rest of the world.

WTO: Great Expectations

Grand Forks Herald | September 15, 2003 Monday European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said Sept. 12 that he expects the United States to agree to reform its 2002 farm bill to follow the lines of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy reform as part of the Doha trade round.

Trade Impasse

Jim Leher News Hour | September 15, 2003 The World Trade Organization conference in Cancun collapsed when delegates from developing nations walked out. Ray Suarez follows up on the weekend's events with Josette Shiner, a deputy U.S. trade representative, and Richard Bernal, the lead negotiator for the Caribbean countries at the meetings.