World Trade Organization

Budding Democracy Made Trade Talks Collapse

Newsday (New York) | By Victor Tan Chen | October 15, 2003 Somehow, the protesters had gotten in. When they slipped through the police-manned barricades on one end of Cancun's hotel zone, they must have seemed like just another bunch of tourists - split into small groups, their bandannas and piercings discreetly tucked away.

Trade Talks Activists Craft Message

Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) | By PRASHANT GOPAL | October 10, 2003 The warehouse shelves were stocked with glue, paint, cardboard, bicycle parts, cloth and other donated supplies. The walls were plastered with paint and signs: "People before profits," "Rise Up" and "Welcome to Lake Worth: an Anti-War City."