World Trade Organization

The WTO""s Last Laugh

BusinessWorld | By Dean O. de la Paz, III | October 9, 2003; The first sign that something was seriously askew was when both sides had returned from a failed conference ecstatic and beaming with the smiles and the euphoric taunts of victory.

Lull Expected In Trade Liberalization

The Toronto Star | October 9, 2003 Substantial talks to liberalize farm trade will be held up by next year's U.S. presidential election and expansion of the European Union, Canada's ambassador to the World Trade Organization said yesterday. The WTO's Doha round, as the talks are called, aims to remove trade barriers, especially in agriculture.

WTO Postpones Farming Meeting Indefinitely

AFX European Focus | September 29, 2003 A WTO meeting on agriculture that was due to be held on Oct 6-9 has been delayed indefinitely, said Chairman of the Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture Stuart Harbinson in a statement. No more talks will take place until after the General Council meets on Oct 21-22, according to a WTO official.