
3-Strikes Test for the WTO

Washington Post / By Bob Dole Normalization of trade relations with China depends on China's willingness to open its markets and play by the rules set for members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). With the House due to vote this month and the Senate probably in June, debate on this issue will be on the front burner.

ADB Pledges to Fight Poverty

Reuters Asia's top banking showcase drew to a close on Monday amid tight security with promises of a region-wide fight against poverty. The last day of the Asian Development Bank annual meeting in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai focused on an ADB plan to channel hundreds of millions of dollars into targetted anti-poverty programmes.

E.P.A. Approves Pesticide Alternative

Apr. 29 2000 / N.Y. Times/AP WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government has, according to these stories, approved a first-of-its-kind protein product that switches on a plant's natural defenses against disease and insects, giving farmers an alternative to chemical pesticides.

Corporate Farming Starting in India

Times of India MYSORE: The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha chief Prof M.D. Nanjundaswamy on Friday bitterly criticised the state government's move to allow the big corporate houses into the field of farming in the guise of encouraging bio-technology and said, the KRRS will oppose the allotment of land to the Reliance group of industries.