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Apr. 29 2000 / N.Y. Times/AP

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government has, according to these stories, approved a first-of-its-kind protein product that switches on a plant's natural defenses against disease and insects, giving farmers an alternative to chemical pesticides.

The protein, known by the trade name Messenger, is, the stories say, produced from genetically engineered bacteria and has been shown to increase yields for tomatoes and peppers by up to 22 percent and make plants more tolerant of drought.

The product is expected to go on sale in the next two months.

Phil Hutton of the E.P.A.'s Office of Pesticide Programs was cited as saying Messenger, which the Environmental Protection Agency approved on April 19, is the first natural product that can turn on the immune systems of crops.

Another product awaiting approval uses a chemical to trigger plants' resistance.

Chuck Benbrook, a consultant for environmental groups on pesticide issues, was cited as saying the future for such products was very bright but he cautioned, "Sometimes in large scale commercial applications, biopesticides either work significantly better than people hoped or are not nearly as consistent as needed to be effective."

The product, which will be marketed by the EDEN Bioscience Corporation of Seattle, was intended to protect against diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi, but field trials have also shown it to be effective against some insects. It also promoted root growth, reducing the plant's need for water.

The protein, known as harpin, comes from the bacterium that causes fire blight, a disease that attacks apple and pear trees.

Scientists at Cornell University discovered that the protein triggers a response in plants that closed down the pathways by which the bacteria can attack them.

EPA was cited as saying the protein poses no harm to humans or animals. It degrades so quickly that it cannot be detected within two hours of application, scientists say. Pests also are less likely to develop resistance to the product because they don't interact with the protein.

Some 500 field trials have been conducted worldwide on more than 40 crops, including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, wheat, rice, citrus, cotton and tobacco, EPA said.: