
5 Asian Countries to Work on Free-Trade Zone

By INAM AHMED DHAKA, Bangladesh, April 28 (UPI) -- Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand have decided to work toward establishing a free-trade zone to boost trade and investment in the region.

Greens to Oppose Free Trade

The Press / by Victoria Main in Wellington The Green Party says free-trade deals would be "an absolute disaster for New Zealand" and should be scrutinised by Parliament before being signed.

China Warns U.S. Over Trade Status

BEIJING (AP) - With a U.S. congressional vote on a landmark trade deal approaching, China warned Thursday of possible repercussions for American companies in China if the pact is rejected. The warning came during a visit by a congressional delegation that President Clinton hopes will solidify support for giving China permanent low-tariff access to U.S. markets.

Cassava Can Play

Reuters ROME -- The U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), which finances farm projects in poor nations, were cited as saying in a joint statement today that cassava, long neglected by policy makers, has huge potential to reduce world hunger as it is a cheap, resilient crop that can substitute for wheat.