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Times of India

MYSORE: The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha chief Prof M.D. Nanjundaswamy on Friday bitterly criticised the state government's move to allow the big corporate houses into the field of farming in the guise of encouraging bio-technology and said, the KRRS will oppose the allotment of land to the Reliance group of industries.

Talking to reporters here, he said the state government has principally agreed to help the Reliance group to acquire 50 thousand acres of land in the state to develop a "big farm" where the group could develop modern farming technologies.

"The more surprising is the government's move to allow the Reliance group to take up contract farming." He disclosed that the reliance is planning to take up contract farming on five lakh acres of land.

Prof Nanjundaswamy said if this becomes a reality, the days are not far off when the state farmers will be converted into agricultural labours on these contract farms and fourty such corporate giants were sufficient to take over 200 lakh acres of agricultural land available in Karnataka.

The farmers' leader said it was the "Mannina Maga" H.D. Devegowda who initiated the process of corporate houses entry into the farm sector by amending the Land Reforms Act where a clause was introduced enabling the non-farming people to buy vast tracts of land.

"It is surprising that the Congress leaders who opposed this retrogressive step of the Janata Dal government are now enthusiastic to allow the big business houses into the field of farming", he said adding that the country would go the Latin American way if the business houses were allowed to do agriculture. "India may become another Brazil in the days to come if the contract farming is allowed", he added.

In reply to a question, Nanjundaswamy said in March itself the Karnataka Chief Minister received a formal application from the Reliance group and it is making efforts to locate 50 thousand acres of land at a single spot.

He said there is no difference between the Janata Dal and Congress governments as far as the policies towards the farmers are concerned and both are enthusiastic to sell away the farming activities to the corporate houses and the multinational companies.

Najundaswamy said the KRRS is working out it's strategy to oppose the concept of "corporate farming" and prevent the state government from inviting the business houses into the farming sector. He said the Madurai rally of farmers on June 22 is a first step in this direction and farmers and well wishers of the Indian farming community are expected to participate in this rally of farmers from southern states including Maharastra.

"We have invited the farmers' leaders from all the states and union territories", he pointed out adding that the meeting will also discuss the disputes arising between the riparian states over the sharing of river water.

He said lack of national policy on water has complicated the things on sharing of water.

He also warned the KPTC of a severe agitation if it fails to stabilise power supply in the rural areas where farmers require an uninterrupted power supply to their pumpsets." The low voltage current to the rural areas has adversely affected the summer crops", he said urging the Chief Minister and the KPTC authorities to view the problem seriously.:

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