
Farmers"" Payments Cut 20 Percent

October 31, 2000 / By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -- Gary Gollehon hasn't scratched a profit from his farm in years. Last spring, he gambled again, planting much of his farm near Brady in high-quality malting barley, only to see it wither in the powder-dry soil and be sold instead as cheaper livestock feed.

U.S. Revokes Some Antidumping Duties, Keeps Others

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. International Trade Commission voted on Thursday to revoke anti-dumping duties on cold-rolled steel imports from Canada, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and South Korea, while keeping duties on other steel products in force.

Us Corn Exporters Relieved At Starlink Export Okay

By Randy Fabi WASHINGTON, Oct 27 (Reuters) - U.S. grain exporters expressed relief on Friday after the government lifted export restrictions on shipments tainted with traces of an unapproved biotech corn, allowing shipments of previously banned corn to Latin America, Asia and Europe.

Farmer Optimism at 18-Year Low in Survey

Omaha World-Herald / AP / October 20, 2000 Only about one of eight Iowa farmers thinks the overall farm economy will improve in the next five years - the lowest rate of optimism in 18 years, according to Iowa State University Extension.