
Sarbanes Co-Sponsors Resolution for New Farm Bill

February 09, 2001 WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., and 18 other senators are sponsoring a resolution that calls for a new farm bill to be passed this year, Sarbanes office said Thursday.

""Green"" Programs Seen for 2000 Farm Bill

The State Journal-Register / By CHARLYN FARGO, AGRIBUSINESS EDITOR Talk is well under way about what should be in the 2002 Farm Bill. Much of the talk centers on programs to promote conservation of soil and farmland, and activists in the farm community are starting to talk about whether soil conservation isn't just as important to consumers as it is to farmers.

Global Food Security at Threat from Climate Change: UN Panel

Agence France Presse GENEVA, Feb 13 (AFP) - Global warming could threaten food security, especially in poor tropical countries, the United Nations' top panel of climate experts says in a draft report. The document also warns that atmospheric warming could unleash violent storms, extreme droughts and floods, inflicting costs that will damage the global economy.

The Global Compact: Business and the UN

International Herald Tribune January 25, 2001 When United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan addresses the World Economic Forum on Jan. 28, his speech will focus on the progress of the Global Compact. http://www.iht.com/articles/8676.html

Free Trade Deals Isolate US

BBC News The United States is no longer "indispensable" in international trade negotiations, some of the biggest businesses in the United States have warned the Bush Administration.

WTO Members Look to Next Phase as Officials Wade Through Ag Plans

Inside US Trade / February 9, 2001 / Vol. 19, No. 6 In advance of a March stocktaking on agriculture negotiations, World Trade Organization members met informally this week to discuss the next phase of talks which is likely to involve more in-depth analysis of the key issues that have been discussed preliminarily through review of proposals tabled by various countries.