
U.S. Loses WTO Steel Case

Associated Press | By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer GENEVA (AP) -- The World Trade Organization ruled Wednesday that the United States had acted illegally in deciding to increase duties on Japanese steel imports.

EU to Make New Push for Global Trade Talks

Reuters / By Adrian Croft BRUSSELS, Feb 28 (Reuters) - The European Union hopes World Trade Organisation members can agree by the northern summer on the broad outline of a declaration launching new global trade talks that would be adopted by ministers in November in Qatar.

Islamic Nations Head for Globalisation

The leaders of eight Muslim developing nations with a combined population of 800 million vowed today to take up the challenges of globalisation and join forces to face the developed states of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Liberate Trade, Not Paranoia

An op-ed published in the Globe And Mail by WTO Director General Mike Moore. The world needs an international agreement on services - not rhetoric from merchants of fear about threats to national autonomy, says WTO boss MIKE MOORE MIKE MOORE Wednesday, February 21, 2001