
Outlines of Declaration on New Trade Round

Jiji Press Ticker Service | November 15, 2001 Doha, Qatar - The following are the outlines of a declaration on a new trade round adopted at the end of the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization Wednesday: Preface: Determined to continue reform of trade policies and liberalization processes. Welcomed accession by China and Taiwan.

Global Civil Society Comes of Age

openDemocracy | Marlies Glasius | November 14, 2001 The emergence of a global civil society is one of the vital factors in global politics in the last decade. The co-editor of a comprehensive sourcebook on the subject maps its contours. A new 'global dialogue' is needed, but must it include even those committed to ethnic or religious fundamentalism? (mid-length)

WTO Ministers Approve Launch of New Trade Round

Agence France Presse | November 14, 2001 DOHA - WTO ministers approved the launch here Wednesday of a new round of talks aimed at lowering trade barriers and sparking a recovery in a faltering world economy. Ministers from the 142-member World Trade Organization backed the new round at the end of a gruelling six days of bargaining here in the Qatari capital Doha.