
Fast Track Isn""t the Route to Fair Trade

San Diego Union-Tribune | December 6, 2001 | By Donald Cohen Today, Congress will vote to determine if the next generation of U.S. trade agreements supports American workers and communities.

House Passes Fast-Track by One Vote on Largely Republican Support

December 6, 2001 The House of Representatives today approved by a one-vote margin a bill that would extend to the President the authority to negotiate trade agreements that will be brought back to Congress for an up or down vote until mid-2007, if Congress fails to disapprove the authority two years earlier.

As Vote Nears, Bush Presses for New Trade Powers

New York Times | December 5, 2001 | By JOSEPH KAHN WASHINGTON - As President Bush corners lawmakers on the White House dance floor and on Air Force One to urge them to back his bid for enhanced trade authority, his administration is warning that if Congress rejects the proposal this week "no one will negotiate" with the United States on trade.

New Farm Subsidy Bill Is Crucial, Official Says

Fort Worth Star Telegram | December 2, 2001 | By JOHN MORITZ; Star-Telegram Austin Bureau AGRICULTURE: Texas farmers are urging Congress to pass a new subsidy package before adjourning for the year.