
Developed World Accused of Bully-boy Tactics at WTO

By: Charlotte Denny | The Guardian (London) Vistors to the Greenpeace vessel - apart from a police diver - included EU envoy Pascal Lamy, who called for rules separating trade deals and the environment Photograph: Patrick Baz/EPA Some of the world's poorest nations have complained that they are being browbeaten by developed nations into accepting sweeping free trade talks.

Expose of British Trade Negotiators Collusion With Big Business

Special to CorpWatch November 9, 2001 LONDON -- Three confidential documents from inside the World Trade Organization Secretariat and a group of captains of London finance, who call themselves the "British Invisibles," reveal the extraordinary secret entanglement of industry with government in designing European and American proposals for radical pro-business changes in WTO rules.

The Battle of Doha

By: By MARTIN WALKER | United Press International DOHA, Qatar, Nov. 11 The most important battlefront in the war on terrorism could be a long way from Afghanistan, by the shimmering waters and under the burning sun of the Persian Gulf, where negotiators from 142 countries are trying to hammer out a new deal on world trade.