
Fighting to a Draw in Doha

Take the Ministers of Trade from 142 countries, a few hundred journalists, NGOs, and business lobbyists, tens of thousand of police and military for security, and you have the makings of one of the most surreal events in recent international diplomacy history -- the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization in Doha, Qatar.

Fighting to a Draw in Doha

Take the Ministers of Trade from 142 countries, a few hundred journalists, NGOs, and business lobbyists, tens of thousand of police and military for security, and you have the makings of one of the most surreal events in recent international diplomacy history -- the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization in Doha, Qatar.

Property Rights=Prosperity

Wall Street Journal | November 16, 2001 | International Commentary By Geralyn Ritter and Alain Strowel. Ms. Ritter, formerly associate general counsel at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, is trade counsel in Covington & Burling's Washington office, and Mr. Strowel heads the firm's intellectual-property practice in Brussels.

The Meaning of Doha

By Walden Bello, Focus on the Global South, and Anuradha Mittal, Food First The results of the WTO Ministerial in Doha, Qatar, have elicited some confusion among many of those following the events. A New Round?