Food justice

Don Bustos, Traditional Farmer

< href="">Don Bustos produces food on the same land in New Mexico that his ancestors have farmed for 300 years. He is dedicated to training others in sustainable methods for using land and water in order to protect it for the next seven generations.

New video series: "Food Justice from the Ground Up"

A just and healthy food system isn’t going to manifest out of the halls of Congress. The food justice movement needs support up and down the food chain—farmers, grocers, farm workers, writers, activists, parents, children, eaters. Stories are some of the most powerful tools that we have to create this change.

'Wir haben es satt' (We’ve had enough!)

On January 23, over 20,000 people poured into the streets of Berlin to say that they have had enough of industrial agriculture. The demands made in Germany can be heard all over the world starting with fair treatment of farmers and consumers, safe food, an end to food speculation and a respect for nature and the welfare of animals.

Occupy Wall Street's Farmers March

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) held a Farmers March in Washington, D.C., on December 4 to highlight issues of corporate control of the food system. Farmers, community gardeners, food workers and activists spoke on issues such as fair prices for farmers, sustainable farming, local food and the growing specter of hunger in America.