
Will the Farm Bill deliver for the climate?

The clock is ticking—for our farmers and for the planet. From wildfires to drought, climate-related extreme weather events are taking a toll on farmers and increasing in frequency and cost. Despite these risks, Congress has consistently placed its head firmly in the sand when it comes to addressing climate change in the Farm Bill.

Big Meat and Dairy are Heating up our Planet

The world's 35 largest meat and dairy corporations are egregiously under reporting their greenhouse gas emissions, and could become the planet's largest climate polluters within the next few decades. Our latest report with GRAIN shows that these agribusiness giants are claiming to reduce emissions, but instead are pursuing growth strategies that will drive unsustainable levels of consumption and emissions.

Status quo Farm Bill falters on economic, climate challenges

The 2018 Farm Bill passed by Congress on Wednesday is largely status quo from the 2014 version and will continue to drive overproduction and low farm income while ignoring the stark realities of climate change. The much needed and popular conservation programs that support farmers in responding to climate change continue to be underfunded.

Mighty Giants: Leaders of the Global Meat Complex

While global agribusiness giants such as Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer and DuPont are best known for their control over the global seeds, cereals and agrochemicals market, symbolizing the corporate takeover of the food system, an extremely powerful segment of agribusiness remains hidden from public scrutiny: The companies that control the production, processing and trad