
Emissions Impossible—Für gute Landwirtschaft braucht man ein gutes Klima

Es überrascht mich zutiefst, dass es heute in unserer Gesellschaft immer noch Menschen gibt, die einen Klimawandel verursacht durch menschliche Einflüsse leugnen. Vermutlich haben diese Menschen nicht viel mit Landwirtschaft am Hut, denn in unserer westlichen Welt sind es nun einmal Bäuerinnen und Bauern, die den Klimawandel als Erste zu Spüren bekommen.

Corporate responsibility and hurricane damage

Farmers and rural communities are now routinely hit with extreme weather events in this new age of climate change. As governments at the national, state and local level grapple with these challenges and costs, they should consider the financial responsibility of corporations who have knowingly increased our climate risk.

Uprooted Episode 44: The Affordable Clean Energy Rule

Josh talks with Tara Ritter about the rollback of the Clean Power Plan, which was proposed by the Obama administration and held up in the courts. The replacement, the Affordable Clean Energy Rule is a thinly veiled attempt to prop up the dying coal industry at the expense of the expanding clean energy sector, including the job boom it would create in rural areas.