Why We Say No to CAFTA

This report on the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was released by Bloque Popular Centroamericano, the Alliance for Responsible Trade and the Hemispheric Social Alliance. Through the collective effort of U.S. and Central American groups, this analysis sounds the warning that CAFTA would throw into chaos everything from agriculture to pharmaceutical drug prices.

Dioxin: What Every Person Should Know

This Factsheet, published by IATP, summarizes the history, and health and environmental impacts of dioxin, one of the most toxic substances known to humans.

Turn off the "Tap" to Stop Our Dioxin-Food Problem

The recent recommendation by the National Academy of Sciences to reduce our exposure to dioxin from our food. It's too bad the Academy's solutions focused mostly at the bottom of the dioxin food chain, rather than turning off the dioxin "tap" at its source. Dioxin is considered one of the most toxic compounds ever produced.