WTO Food and Agriculture Rules: Sustainable Agriculture and the Human RIght to Food

Published in the Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, Winter 2000, Vol. 9, Issue 1. This paper was also a presentation given by Mark Ritchie at the International Cooperative Agricultural Organization General Assembly in Quebec City, Quebec on August 29, 1999. The focus of this paper is the the impact of agricultural export dumping by grain corporations based in the U.S.

Borders Are No Barrier to Dioxin Emissions, NAFTA Commission Study Shows

The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC) released a study showing the dioxin emissions from point sources in Mexico, the United States and Canada is contaminating food and the environment in the Canadian Arctic. They identified the incinerator operated by Xcel Energy in Red Wing, Minnesota as one of the major sources of this contamination.

Addressing Climate Change and Providing New Opportunities for Farmers

Climate change mitigation can result in many benefits including greater valuation for environmental services provided by agriculture and regeneration of rural communities. This report takes a look at the possibilities for farmers and presents policy recommendations to make this a reality.

Cure for Ice Cream Headache: Shut Down Dioxin Sources

Former chemical industry lobbyist Steven Milloy and Dr. Michael Gough gave the folks at Ben & Jerry's a real "ice cream headache" last week. They presented findings at an international symposium on dioxin, one of the most toxic compounds ever studied.